12 Welles Street, Sandbach,
Cheshire, CW11 1GT
01270 76 77 44

Foot and Ankle Pain
The Royal College of Podiatrists tells us that foot pain affects 20% of the population with 10% of people reporting foot pain as disabling, with reduced quality of life. This can affect your ability to work and exercise as you wish. In younger people, this can hinder activity and in the older population can lead to an increased risk of falling.
Podiatrists are experts in all aspects of lower-limb function who assess, diagnose and treat foot and ankle problems.
There are many causes of foot and ankle pain including Osteoarthritis, tendonitis and ligament strains. Due to the complexity of the foot and ankle it is sometimes a challenge to diagnose the exact pathology.
At Stride Clinic we offer an extensive Biomechanical Assessment to allow us to pinpoint the cause of your pain, treat it and prevent recurrence.