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Ingrowing Toenails

An ingrowing toenail occurs when a piece of nail pierces the flesh of the toe. It can be extremely painful and become inflamed or infected. 


One of the most common causes is cutting nails too short in order to relieve the pressure and discomfort of a pinched nail. However you can be predisposed to ingrowing toenails caused by, for example the way you stand or walk, or if you have bunions or excessive pronation of the feet. Your nails may also have a natural tendency to splay or curl out causing your nail to grow outwards or inwards into the flesh. People who sweat excessively may find the skin becomes moist and weak and is easily penetrated by the nail. 


External causes such as tight footwear, hosiery and socks can push your toe flesh onto the nail so that it pierces the skin. 


If you have an underlying condition such as Diabetes or have a compromised immune system and you develop an ingrowing toenail, you should consult a Podiatrist as soon as possible. 


Often we are able to remove the offending spike of nail and resolve the problem quickly however if the problem has become chronic nail surgery may be the best option. 

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Nail Surgery is carried out under local anaesthetic and depending on the nail shape and condition severity we may remove the nail borders (PNA) or the whole nail (TNA). We chemically cauterise the nail matrix to prevent regrowth. This method is over 95% successful and we monitor your recovery to ensure the best outcome.


Not all painful toenails are ingrowing toenails. Pinched toenails known as involuted nails can cause pressure on the flesh which can develop into a corn or become red and inflamed but is not actually piercing the skin. In such cases careful nail management can bring immediate and long term relief. 

How to Book

New Patient Pathway

If you are a new patient, please book in for a Podiatry Initial Consultation

Existing Patients

If you are an existing patient please book in for a General Footcare appointment.

If you have not attended the clinic for a year or more please book Extended General Footcare to allow us to update your records and carry out a vascular and neurological assessment.

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