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Verrucae Treatments

At Stride, we offer topical treatments and Faulknors Needling as options for treating verrucae. These are carried out by our podiatrists in the clinic rather than as home treatments performed by yourself. If you have verrucae then during a General Footcare appointment or an Initial Consultation your podiatrist will be able to evaluate the lesions and discuss treatment options with you to ensure we can help you to the best of our ability. 



Cryotherapy is based upon the principle that living cells which are rapidly frozen are initially damaged and subsequently die from the effects of freezing. It is throught that the membranes of affected cells are ruptured during freezing, releasing cell contents and viral antigens.


We use Cryospray 59 which is designed to freeze tissues to temperatures of around -50°C to achieve an effective result with less pain than other cryogenic treatments. ​Although less painful than other cryosurgical techniques there may be some moderate pain during the treatment.


After treatment, the area may become uncomfortable as it begins to thaw. You may wish to take a paracetamol. The area may blister and will be dressed after treatment. Keep this dressing on and dry for 24hrs. It is important that you return for your follow up appointments to allow us to inspect the treatment site and note improvements or adverse effects.


Verrutop is a topical solution based on Nitrizinc Complex® for treating warts and verrucae. Its effectiveness is 90% with a maximum of 6 treatments after which a treatment break of 3 months is recommended.


Verrutop acts by denaturing the viral protein and desiccating the wart tissue, which causes mummification of the verrucae which changes colour and eventually the spontaneous detachment of the wart. Treatment is normally quick and painless. You can shower as normal after treatment but long baths are not advised as they can rehydrate the verrucae.


It is a compulsory part of this treatment to apply 70% alcohol twice daily to each verrucae, to aid desiccation, we provide at your first treatment. Do NOT file or use a pumice stone before applying the alcohol, simply rub over the treated areas twice daily until your next appointment in 10-14 days’ time.

Faulknors Needling

Faulknors Needling is carried out under local anaesthetic and allows the virus to be pushed into the dermal layer of skin, using a sterile needle, where our immune cells generate a response to fight the virus. This systemic approach means that we can select one verrucae to treat and your response will tackle the rest.


After the treatment the area will be dressed with a sterile dressing which you must keep dry for 24hrs. You may walk straight after the procedure but do not drive until the anaesthetic has worn off.


 Post treatment patients report little or no pain or bleeding.

We will review your verrucae at 2, 4 and 6 months. Success rates of 85% after a single treatment are common. Resolution of the treated verrucae can occur after 2 months but have taken up to 8 months. A second needling will be considered at 6 months if no improvement is observed.

How to Book

New Patient Pathway

If you have not been to the clinic before you must book an Initial Consultation during which we will take an detailed medical and condition history and carry out a short vascular and neurological check. Your practitioner will assess the verrucae and discuss treatment options with you. If you choose Verrutop or alternative topical treatments for children under the age of 6 we can begin the treatment plan at this appointment. If you choose Faulknors Needling we will arrange a date and time to suit you for this.

Existing Patients

If you have discussed verrucae treatments with our podiatrists at your General Footcare Appointment we can either embark on a topical treatment plan or book you in for Faulknors Needling. If it has been more than three months since you last attended we will need to carry out a pre op assessment during a Short Treatment.

12 Welles Street, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1GT

01270 76 77 44

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Copyright © 2024 Stride Clinic

Opening Hours:

  • Monday - 

  • Tuesday - 

  • Wednesday - 

  • Thursday -   

  • Friday -  

  • Alternate Saturdays - 

  • Sundays-  

9 am to 6.30 pm

9 am to 5 pm

9 am to 6.30 pm

9 am to 5 pm

9 am to 4 pm

10 am to 2 pm


Parking :

There is on street parking for 1hr near the clinic however these spaces can be busy. There are several car parks in Sandbach (charges may apply)

  • Brookhouse Road Car Park – 

  • Chapel Street Car Park – 

  • Crown Bank Car Park – 

  • Westfields Car Park – 

CW11 1HZ

CW11 1DH

CW11 1FW

CW11 5SL

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